Hello, I'm Craig 👋🏻

I'm a Software Engineer/Developer based out of Las Vegas







Contact & Links

(702) 596-0953


Hello and thank you for visiting my portfolio! My name is Craig Turley and I am a Software Engineer/Developer. I have had the pleasure of working on many projects throughout my time in college and I have a large specialization in full-stack web-development. My skills range from working in Vanilla JS, HTML, and CSS to working on large projects utilizing frameworks such as Angular, Spring, Next.js, etc. Currently, I hold a Bachelor's in Software Engineering that I recieved from Western Governors University in September of 2023. If you are interested in contacting me, please feel free to fill out a prompt in the contact section or send me an email directly! I am open to any opportunites and that will allow me to grow and learn as a Engineer while providing my team with quality output.




Carrot is a web-application designed to help users find information on the nutritional make up of certain foods and custom recipes. Users can input their own entries as well as make custom recipes to calculate the nutritional makeup of their recipes per serving.


Slot Machine

This slot machine project was developed purely using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It shows a demonstration of complex moving parts.


Task Tracker

This project was developed as a capstone for my University studies at WGU. This is a full-stack application written using Angular, Java Spring, and MySQL and deployed using docker.